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Oct 18, 2024

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There are many reasons why Dinma is one of our Natural Hair Queens. And her beautiful fro, plus her love for it, is definitely one of those reasons. In this interview, find out what has helped her to embrace and appreciate her own kinks and curls, as well as how she motivates other naturalistas to do the same.

1. Have you always been natural?

No, I had relaxed hair for a long time before I decided to return natural in 2018.

2. Why did you decide to return natural?

I had bad burns from wrong relaxer application and I experienced stunted growth so I just decided to try natural hair for a while.

3. Is the natural hair experience anything like you anticipated? If no, what helped you adjust?

Hmmm, I expected my hair to be long and curly by this time (unrealistic expectations) but I am glad that my hair journey helped me understand how to manage and set realistic goals.

Understanding my hair growth cycle and the fact that I have coils helped me adjust.

4. Has it always been rosy or have you, at any time, longed for a perm?

Rosy? No. But I am glad that I am learning and unlearning a lot of things about my hair and hair care in general. My initial plan was to try the natural hair journey for a year or two and relax my hair again. But I have come to love my hair so no perms for me.

5. On your Instagram page, we see you rocking your hair, either as a fro or in different protective styles. But do/did you ever feel less confident in your natural hair? Why / why not?

The love for my hair started when I was relaxed and even grew more when I returned natural. No, I can’t feel less confident while wearing my crown.

6. Is there anything you regret not knowing earlier in your natural hair journey? If yes, what?

No. It is a learning process – one that I am patiently enjoying.

7. Many times, we see women who have been natural for a while feel like they need to chop it all off to take a break or start all over. Do you relate? Is it something you might do?

I love women who are bold enough to cut their hair or start over again. But no, I don’t think I can do that.

8. Let’s talk about being a natural hair influencer and content creator. Besides your Instagram page where you share your hair journey and hair tips, you organize hair care classes and share hair tips across your social media platforms. How do you know, filter, and organize what content to put out? And how do you stay motivated to create content?

I started my page this year (2020) and, trust me, some days I feel overwhelmed. I feel this way because I am not the ‘social media type’. Content creating is not easy at all. But I am glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to do this.

The fact I get to meet a lot of amazing ladies through my platform keeps me motivated.

Dinma MyKitcheniscoily

9. Still on content creation, what do you want your followers to think about or leave with every time they visit your page?

That they can rock their hair whichever way they want; be it relaxed or natural hair. Just the fact that they visit my page and find helpful tips for their hair is great.

10. And then there’s “The Coily Mane Community,” which you created. Could you tell us more about it? What is the vision behind this community, and what does one need to join in?

It is my own small hair community, where we discuss hair issues and exchange ideas, and try to find solutions to hair problems. There is no special requirement. It is a community for anyone who is open to learning about their hair.

11. From your personal hair journey, would you attribute the fullness and length of your hair to genetics or would you say one’s hair care plays a larger part?

30% genes and 70% the way I handle my hair.

12. Do you mind sharing your top tips for growing healthy natural hair?

Know your hair; detangle gently; healthy hair techniques over products.

13. Did you or do you still have any natural hair inspiration – someone whose natural hair journey motivates you through yours? If yes, who?

No, I don’t have any. Although, I have hair influencers that I look out for tips. I learn a lot from other hair influencers.

14. Any message for naturalistas who are just starting out their journey or are finding it hard to embrace their hair?

Be patient. Natural hair is not a one size fit all.


Learn a thing or two about hair confidence? Find Dinma on Instagram, @dinmacoilymane; and check out her Disha page to follow her hair journey, join The Coily Mane Community, and get more natural hair tips.